2nd Random Settings Pictionary Spoiler Log Race

Saturday, March 25, 2023, 19:00 UTC • 20:00 CET • 3PM EDT

What is a Pictionary Spoiler Log Race?

Each team consists of one Runner and one Spoiler Log Pilot who is drawing. The pilot has to figure out a way through the seed and how to tell their runner in drawing what checks they need to do. Hints are obviously disabled.

This time, we are doing something slightly different: The settings will be random, with weights based on the Random Settings League but adjusted for Pictionary. To compensate for the additional complexity, the preparation time for the pilot will be 30 minutes instead of the usual 15.

Before the race we will provide a room on magma.com (formerly known as aggie.io) to each team. The canvas will be set to 660×460 for restream purposes.

At the ±0 minute mark: The pilot is now allowed to look at the spoiler log and can start figuring out the route.

At the +30 minute mark: The pilot is allowed to start drawing and the runner is allowed to start the file.


The race uses the Random Settings League ruleset.

The pilot is allowed to communicate to their partner only via drawing and may watch and hear the stream of the runner. Runners may talk to their pilot. We would prefer if the pilot did not directly respond to questions, as figuring things out is supposed to be part of the challenge, but in the end it's up to the individual teams.

Allowed: Arrows, question marks, ingame symbols, check marks, “X” for crossing out stuff.

Not allowed: Any kind of numbers or letters.


For having a better idea what we mean in regards with the rules / communication, here are some examples:

  1. The pilot draws 3 spiders and a bow. The runner then asks if there is a bow on 30 skulls. The pilot then draws a smiley or a checkmark for confirmation or a sad face for “no” — that is allowed.
  2. The runner just asks without a drawing if it's AD or if a specific check is required — that is not allowed.
  3. The team has prepared a language for specific checks to avoid the requirement to draw the check (like morse code etc.) — that is not allowed.
  4. The runner says “if I need to do the toilet check, draw a heart” — that is not allowed.
  5. The runner says: “since you didn't draw anything in the Lost Woods, I'm gonna skip all the checks there and go immediately to the Sacred Forest Meadow” — that is allowed.


The seed will be rolled on version 2.3.8 Fenhl-14 of the random settings script. We will be using a special weights override for Pictionary spoiler log races. Changes include:

  • Overworld ER is disabled to reduce complexity for the pilot.
  • Master Quest dungeons are disabled due to a lack of documentation for spoiler log location names.
  • Some of the settings and combinations of settings that are disabled in RSL for information-related reasons are turned back on, since they're not an issue if you have the spoiler log:
    • Ice trap mayhem/onslaught + quad damage/OHKO
    • Separate key shuffle setting for the Thieves' Hideout
    • Random scrub prices without a starting wallet
    • All goals reachable (33% chance)
    • Boss keys in overworld, any dungeon, or regional
  • The seed will be rolled on Fenhl's branch, so some settings that aren't in Dev-R are added:
    • Boss rooms included in mixed entrance pools (50% chance if mixed pools is on)
    • Triforce Hunt variants: Ice% (single piece in the iron boots chest) and Triforce Blitz (3 pieces found in dungeons), 5% chance each
    • Shuffled dungeon rewards (vanilla, own dungeon, regional, overworld, any dungeon, or anywhere; 5% chance each)
    • Shuffled silver rupees (same weights as small key shuffle) with silver rupee pouches (20% chance)
    • Closed Kokiri Forest exit (50% chance, independent of Closed/Open Deku) with a 5% chance of Require Gohma
    • Shuffled Thieves' Hideout entrances (50% chance if interiors are shuffled)
    • Shuffled blue warps (vanilla, dungeon entrance, or shuffled)
    • Full one-way entrance randomization (owls, warp songs, spawns, blue warps, and the Gerudo Valley river exit can lead to more destinations; 25% chance each)
    • Only one one-way entrance of any type goes to a given hint area (50% chance)
    • Vanilla song locations (5% chance)
    • Vanilla base item pool (5% chance)
  • Some newer settings that are not yet included in RSL due to the ongoing tournament are enabled:
    • Shuffled Ganon's Castle entrance (25% chance)
    • Shuffled beehives (50% chance)
    • Keyrings give boss keys (50% chance)
    • Shuffled Gerudo Valley river exit (50% chance)
  • The following settings that would give the runner hints or similar information are disabled:
    • Maps & compasses give info
    • Chest appearance matches contents
    • Gossip stone hints
    • Temple of Time altar hints
    • Ganondorf & Dampé diary light arrow hints
    • Warp song text boxes hinting destinations

Everything else is the same as the usual RSL weights.

Sample seeds

Since the random settings script isn't available online, we've prepared some sample seeds:

HashPatch FileSpoiler Log
Megaton HammerBombchuBig MagicKokiri TunicCompass
BombchuBowMapCuccoMask of Truth
Lens of TruthDeku NutMask of TruthSawBottled Fish
Megaton HammerSawGold ScaleDeku StickBottled Milk
Kokiri TunicLongshotMaster SwordMask of TruthLens of Truth

Further information

The race is organized by Fenhl, TeaGrenadier, Tjongejonge_, ksinjah, and melqwii. We will answer questions and inform about recent events on The Silver Gauntlets Discord in the #pictionary-spoiler-log channel (invite linkdirect channel link). If you have any questions, feel free to ask there!

Special thanks to winniedemon who will be helping us keep important posts from getting lost in the Discord!