Standard Weeklies

The Standard weeklies are a set of community races organized by the race mods (HollowLogic, Lefty, Natheirean, Oakishi, and Schulzer) and main tournament organizers (Fenhl, Hyper, Sponge, TobiasG, barbu, jaxstronomy, ksinjah, and melqwii) in cooperation with ZeldaSpeedRuns.

There are three races each week, each open to all participants:

  1. The Kokiri weekly, Fridays at 8PM Eastern Time (next: Saturday, September 14, 2024, 00:00 UTC • 02:00 CEST • Friday 8PM EDT)
  2. The Goron weekly, Saturdays at 20:00 Central European (Summer) Time (next: Saturday, September 14, 2024, 18:00 UTC • 20:00 CEST • 2PM EDT)
  3. The Zora weekly, Sundays at 5PM Eastern Time (next: Sunday, September 8, 2024, 21:00 UTC • 23:00 CEST • 5PM EDT)

Settings are typically changed once per month and posted in #standard-announcements on Discord.