Standard Weeklies

The Standard weeklies are a set of community races organized by the race mods (HollowLogic, Lefty, Natheirean, Oakishi, and Schulzer) and main tournament organizers (Fenhl, Hyper, Sponge, TobiasG, barbu, jaxstronomy, ksinjah, and melqwii) in cooperation with ZeldaSpeedRuns. The races are open to all participants.

Starting from January 4, 2025, there will be alternating schedules:

  1. The Kokiri weekly, Saturdays of week A at 6PM Eastern Time (next: Saturday, February 15, 2025, 23:00 UTC • 6PM EST • Sunday 00:00 CET)
  2. The Goron weekly, Sundays of week A at 2PM Eastern Time (next: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 19:00 UTC • 20:00 CET • 2PM EST)
  3. The Zora weekly, Saturdays of week B at 2PM Eastern Time (next: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 19:00 UTC • 20:00 CET • 2PM EST)
  4. The Gerudo weekly, Sundays of week B at 9AM Eastern Time (next: Sunday, February 23, 2025, 14:00 UTC • 15:00 CET • 9AM EST)

Settings are typically changed once every 2 or 4 weeks and posted in #standard-announcements on Discord. Current settings starting with the Kokiri weekly on Saturday, February 1, 2025, 23:00 UTC (6PM EST, Sunday 00:00 CET) are the Standard Anti-Weekly Settings (SAWS).